April's Full Moon in Libra: A Time to Regain Balance

April's Full Moon in Libra: A Time to Regain Balance

A Tarot Spread, Ritual, and Exercise for April's Pink Supermoon: Restore Order & Balance in Relationships, Work, & Life

Full Moon in Libra: Tuesday 10:35 PM(New York Time) 18ยบ43   Element: Air  Planet: Venus

What does the Full Moon in Libra Mean?

Full Moons bring illumination to aspects of life that may have been overlooked; They represent endings, completions, and "peak moments" where all of your work may pay off or you finally get what you worked hard for. Full Moons are also known for their chaotic influence; ground yourself and reflect on what has come "full circle" in your life and plan on where you can go from here. 
The Full Moon in Libra is the first full moon of spring(the Paschal Moon because it helps to predict Easter day) and it is the second Supermoon of this year. While it won't be pink, it is called the Pink Moon due to the pink flowers of spring that represent it. Libra is a sign of balance, cooperation, partnerships, relationships, fairness, and equilibrium and the full moon will bring light and attention to these facets of life. Advice: Breathe, work on relationships, and balance any parts of your life that are in discord. 

A Grounding Ritual to Restore Balance

What you will Need: 
A quiet space in nature
Incense &/or Candles(Optional)


1. Take a walk to the quiet place of you choosing. If you can't go out into the woods or to a silent place in your local park, find a room in your house that has a peaceful affect on you. Just make sure you choose a place where you won't be interrupted for at least twenty minutes and where you feel calm.
If you are doing this in your room, surround yourself with "grounding" items, like plants, stones, and crystals.
2. Sit down comfortably(if you brought incense or candles light them) and breathe in three counts & out six. Continue to do this until you are calm and in a peaceful state(for at least ten minutes or until your incense burns down).
3. Imagine yourself connected to the ground(or floor) beneath you. Think of the excess of negative energy or anything else that you would like to release and imagine it sinking into the ground below, as if it is being absorbed by the earth. Continue to do this until you feel like your equilibrium is restored once more.
4. Affirm to yourself that your balance is achieved and thank the earth for cleansing you and the air for bringing clarity and purification. (Snuff your candles if you lit them)
5. Spend more time in nature or in your quiet space as desired, reflecting and meditating, or leave to do as you wish.

An Exercise to Restore Order to Relationships

All relationships have their problems and resolving these problems, regaining trust, and restoring the peace are sometimes difficult. I have created an easy way to  repair a hurt relationship(granted that it isn't too far gone) that you can easily do at home.

You will need: Pencil or pen, Paper, & Envelope(s)

What you will do:  1. Write a letter to the person you are trying to come to terms with. Get your feelings out honestly, without placing blame on the other person or being negative. Put yourself in their shoes and write with the other person's feelings & perspective in mind so that you remain objective. If you really want to heal a relationship, you have to put your pride aside and be humble. Express yourself clearly and keep these tips in mind while writing your letter. If the person you're writing to has an open mind, your letter will be an invitation for them to come to you so that you may resolve the problems.

2. Put your letter in the envelope and seal it. Give the person(or people) you wrote to their letter(s) and ask them to read it when they are in a calm state of mind.. Afterwards, leave and wait for them to be ready to get in touch with you.

After doing this, most people will think about what you wrote to them and will usually come to you to work things out. Even if the person decides that the relationship is better left how it is, you will gain peace of mind knowing that you have expressed yourself fully and tried to repair what was damaged. 

A Full Moon in Libra Tarot Spread

1. What will this Full Moon shed light on?

2. How can I bring more balance into my life?

3. What can I do to restore order to relationships at this time?

4. What do I need to attend to before moving on?

5. Advice Card-Relationships, Self, Love

6. Advice Card-Career, Home, Lifestyle


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