19 Witchy Things to Do In Quarantine

19 "Witchy" Things to Do In Quarantine

If you're like me, you complete various activities everyday and you're still on the lookout for something to do(especially being in quarantine). Up until recently I haven't really had the time to pursue the "witchy" activities that I've been meaning to. But with this quarantine, I've been reading tarot daily, drawing up astrological natal charts, and reading up on new rituals and "spells" to do.  If you're looking for ways to make your quarantine more "magical," look no further...

1. If you haven't already, start your own Book of Shadows.

This is a witch's journal, where you keep your spells, dreams, sigils, lists of herbs/crystals/candle meanings/etc., and any other knowledge you want to look back on later. You can use a regular notebook and decorate it yourself, buy a fancy leather journal, or even type your B.O.S. and save it to your computer(whatever is easiest and best for you).

2. Read. You can never read enough about astrology, numerology, plants & herbs, moon phases, crystals, divination, and other aspects of "the craft." Use this free time to learn new things. 

3. Keep track of moon/planetary phases/movements & do corresponding rituals.

 Make moon water on a full moon or do an intention spell on the new moon. Write in your B.O.S. during every "critical" moon phase, keeping track of how each phase makes you feel and what you do. Doing this can help you be more in tune with lunar movements and can help you be prepared during phases that may intensify or depress your energy.

4. Practice doing natal charts. If you want to become good at astrology, the best place to start is by learning how to do natal charts and practicing by drawing charts for those you know the best. This way, you can see how the planets and stars may play a part in a person's traits and attributes. 

5. Read tarot & cast runes. 

Pull a daily card(and/or rune) and see what is in store for the day. Do whole tarot spreads if you like and practice on yourself and others. By the end of quarantine you will be a professional! 

6. Smudge your home.

 Get rid of any negative energy drifting about your home and smudge your house using sage, incense, or other useful herbs. This will clear the air and make you feel more comfortable in your space. 

7. Get crafty! Make a dream-catcher, besom(witch's broom), pentagram-inspired wreath, your own runes/oracle/or tarot decks, or any other witchy item you can imagine. Get creative and craft new magical creations for your altar if you want. If you're an artist, pour out some magic on a canvas and create awesome "witchy" paintings or drawings. If you're not so creative, you can still find awesome things to color online. I recommend coloringbookofshadows.com, as the owner is always giving out new pages to color(her books are pretty amazing too).

8. Garden. 

Gardening is one of the best ways to get in touch with nature and it has the added benefits of relieving stress and allowing you to pick your own produce(there is something magical about tending to a plant from seed to maturity and harvesting the fruits/vegetables you grew). If you can, plant a garden in your yard with a variety of vegetables, berries, herbs, and anything else you want. Decorate with rock patterns, wind chimes, and whatever else suits your fancy-make it an enchanting place to visit. If you live in an apartment or don't have a yard to garden, plant in pots or window boxes; it's just as beneficial and it will serve to add some nature to your living space. 

9. Practice drawing sigils & writing rituals/spells. (Or do rituals/spells...)

Sigils are symbols drawn to hold the meaning of a word or words and infuses them with power. You can use guides online to learn how to make them, or come up with your own unique way. The point of them is to draw them someplace where their power can be used the best. You can inscribe them on candles, add them to your Book of Shadows, etch them on your other magical items, or even make a necklace with a sigil added on to it.
Doing spells and rituals is sort of self-explanatory; Creating spells of your own infuses them with your energy and makes them stronger, so I encourage you to try and write your own whenever you can. 
Writing spells can be very much like writing your own poetry. Just let your intentions flow from your pen to paper, using rhyming or word-play as you please. There is no set way to do this, so whichever way feels right to you is the best way to go about it. Just grab your Book of Shadows and a pen and get to it. 
You can write spells/rituals about anything you wish, but those that work best are about situations or desires you have at the present moment(like needing money and doing an abundance ritual, or seeking love and writing a love-spell to attract romance).

10. Try your hand at different forms of divination.

As defined by Merriam-Webster, divination is "the art or practice that seeks to see or foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge usually by the interpretation of omens or by the aid of supernatural powers." 

I mentioned tarot and rune-work earlier, but there are so many other great ways to practice the art of divination..

The most popular forms of divination(that are easy to try your hand at)include: Astrology, Aeromancy, Automatic Writing, Bibliomancy, Clairvoyance, Divining, Hyrdromancy, I-Ching, Oracle, Ouija, Palmistry, Pyromancy, Scrying, & Zoomancy. 

While these forms of divination sound complicated, you can research and do almost any of them with materials or at places near to you.

11. Make crystal grids, do energy/chakra-work & meditate. 

You can set up your crystal grids in any form you please, often with the intention behind the design inspired by whatever you are meditating or doing rituals on. You can have a paper or cloth with a design you use on them and set your grid on top, or set it before you in whichever pattern comes to mind. Crystal grids are meant to take the power of crystals and "amplify" them towards your intentions. There is no clear-cut way of doing this, so go about it however you best feel comfortable or most natural. 

Doing energy/chakra-work and meditating are awesome ways to  balance your energies. Incorporate breath-work and feel your negative energies melt away to the light and positive energies you attract to yourself. 

12. Bake, Cook, & Brew. 

If you want to fulfill your hunger while practicing a bit of "magic," you'll find no better place than your kitchen. What's more witchy than following a recipe to create a delicious meal or tasty desserts?
If you want to take it farther, design your foods to have a ghoulish appearance by adding crescent moons and other symbols you may like.

13. Create or Re-organize your altar space.

An altar is a witch's sacred place to leave offerings or place symbols of their beliefs(often to attract the attention of a god/goddess or attract energies to make a specific spell work). 

If you've never made an altar before, start by adding objects to represent the five elements: fire, water, earth, air, ether. You can go from there and add whatever you like according to whatever you are trying to attract and/or "worship." There isn't a one-size-fits-all to creating altars; Every one is unique.

If you have an altar, think about using all of this free time to clean it up some: dust, clear out old incense/herbs/candles, and add new items to replace them. If you'd like, re-invent the entire space and make it new again.

14. Have a "Cleansing" Bath.

Light candles and take a bath/shower, imagining the water as light washing down upon you and cleansing you of any negativity. 
This is a very easy visualization ritual that will leave you feeling refreshed. 

15. Spend Time in Nature.

We often have our most spiritual moments while in nature, whether we realize it or not. If you want to get grounded and feel more "in tune" with the earth, take a walk in the woods, along the shore-line, or in the park. You will experience magic at work all around you and hopefully feel inspired spiritually afterwords(I always do!).

16. Do some shadow-work.

We all have negative traits or aspects of ourselves that we could work on, deep pains and wounds that we could explore. While this is often an uncomfortable task, doing shadow-work and bringing to light all of the darkness inside of us is integral to healing. 

17. Do healing-work/light magic.

Do a healing spell or practice balancing your energy. Or think of someone who could use some light in their lives and do a ritual with them in mind. Doing light magic can be as simple as setting a positive mantra or wishing someone well. Get creative and go all out if you wish; the possibilities to do good here are endless. 

18. Dance or make music.

Write songs, play an instrument, or dance, keeping in mind that every note or step you make/take is spiritual in and of itself. If you think about it, anything that makes you feel good is magic. 

19. Cleanse, recharge, and/or infuse your magical items.

Gather all of your crystals, amulets, or other items and cleanse/recharge them with smoke, water, salt, sunlight or under the moonlight. Be sure to research which of your items does best with which element and type of light(some crystals get ruined in water or direct sunlight). This is a great habit to inaugurate into your practices, as it goes a long way in clearing any negative energies your items may have collected. 


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