A Personal Preface
A Personal Preface
I would like to greet you and welcome you to my blog. This blog has been a distant thought of mine, dwelling in the back of my mind until the day that I felt "right" to start putting myself and my words out there for people to discover on the world-wide-web. I often have a difficult time explaining myself and putting what I want to into words. It's not that I don't have the vocabulary (I've been an avid reader/writer ever since I've been taught my first letters) or the imagination, it's because of a nagging voice in the back of my mind that tells me to either perfect what I'm doing or don't do it at all. Obviously, I can't live my life and accomplish the dreams I have without writing; I have so much that I want to write and share with the world, so I've finally decided to ignore that voice in the back of my head and go for it.
Consider this my informal introduction and insurance towards more posts to come.
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